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Monday, March 28, 2011

Sleep Deprived? SEX!

Disclaimer: Before you raise an eyebrow or two to the word S.E.X, let me explain why this blog is called Sleep Deprived? Sex!

It's 3am in the morning when I started typing this blog entry, I'm tired and kind of dozing off into my bed, then suddenly flashed a porn site - which I'm not allowed to mention here - swiped the sleepy head in me. This blog is supposed to be about my college friends and stuff; but then, what the heck, let me just talk about Sex and Girls.

1. Sex - more than just a need, but sex - for me - is the ultimate expression of love one can give to the other. But what is it with sex that people look for? Is it the thrill of having your naked bodies touch and sweep as you jive onto the rhythm of the night? Or the feeling of holding the person you love the most, running your fingers into her/his body? Or just the exchange of bodily fluids? From a scientific point of view, sex is a need, a basic human need. More so, during coital intercourse, the "love" hormone, or the "feel good hormone" - Endorphins are released into our bloodstream in massive amounts, like its cousins that naturally occurs in nature, "Morphine and Heroine", Endorphins are quite addicting, that's why some of us ar
e addicted going to the gym - because extrane
ous activities force endorphins into our circulation: gym and sex, tantamount. More so, fondling the breast and playing with the nipples - no pun intended okay? - stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete the hormone Oxytocin; this hormone, which is also released during breast feeding and social contact promotes maternal bonding. And, let's not forget the ever so famous testosterone, which a raging pubescent male has. This hormone is not only responsible for the secondary sexual characteristics (hair growth, deep voice, etc.) but also sexual drive and wanting. Sexual arousal and excitement is basically an interplay of between physiologic, psychosomatic and social reactions. Needless to say; sex is sex, and there is nothing better than sex, but sex alone.

2. Girls - well, hold-on now howdy, how will you start the party without the guest of honor? Basically, guys can't live without their gals, and vice versa.
We coexist with each other, and we sustain each other. So girls, before saying any bitter comebacks to the phrase, "We need you as muc
h as you need us", hear me out first. How can you fornicate alone? Go on, why don't you try it? Hard, is it not? Well, actually, I'm not here to sound as macho as I can about girls and sex, my point is; is that, Girls are girls, and they need to be respected, they're not toys where we can lay waste all the time, nor to toy on their feelings. Think of it this way com padre, we only meet our once in a lifetime mademoiselle, once in a lifetime. What ever happened to chivalry ei? Always remember, never leave your house without rubbers .... I kid you. Well, kidding aside, respect begets respect, so as Love. So do nothing to harm your dear thumbelina, or else, you'll see the truth to the adage: "Hell hath no furry than a woman scorned".

Well, there you have it. My nonsense manifesto of sort, a product of a bewildered-sleep deprived bachelor.

Stay excellent dear reader and I hope to hear form you soon! Ciao!

Not every guy who's insomniac thinks about sex (don't worry girls).